I think we should still continue blogging.I find that using a blog is easier and faster it also makes it easier to track what I have to do for homework and it makes doing my homework easy and in time.Even though some people don't do their blog I think as a class or just ms.lees we should come up with a different way for those people to do their homework.
There are many pros to blogging one example is that blogging can help you to improve your grammer by showing you where you made a mistake and correcting it with spell check. Blogging can help improve your communication and group work skills too because when you comment on your groups posts your improving your communication and editing skills.Finally i think we should continue blogging because it doesn't only help us with our grammer,group communication and its fast and more convienient to use, but it also help us with reading skills and blogging forces us to do our homework if its reading a book or reflecting on what we did in class.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Keep bloging
Yes I think we should keep bloging because it has helped my writing a lot and it makes it so other people edit my work and not just my friends.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Question 1 (fixed)
Is it better to run away from your problems, like Peter did in the story, or is it better to face them right away. Both sides could work it depends on the problem you are facing. The possible pros to hiding from your problems are it gives you time to ponder on the problem at hand. The cons are you might make the situation worse by hiding like the person you made mad might make the punishment worse. On the other hand, the pros facing them right away, are you could get a faster solution. The cons are you might react with emotions not logic witch could be a bad thing.
The authors idea of having Peter run away at the beginning although different it was good. It made it so Peter could join the theatre and save the queen. In the end it made him a hero.
It is often better to hide from your problems or avoid them completely, because the less you think about problems the less of a problem it will be and fewer problems will occur . Peter's idea of running away from the problem was a good one because it gave him the chance to join the theatre, secret service, and eventually save the queen.
Response to Question #2 (Revised)
The Elizabethan Theatres spread across London, in and out of the city boundaries; each stand, all unique in their own ways. While the theatres in Elizabethan England merely reflects the culture, the entertainment media influence our culture today more than it reflects. So how do the Elizabethan theatres reflect their society back then? And how do our entertainment media today influence our political issues and social values?
And the red velvet curtains closed with a note of finality followed by thunderous applauds. That was the end of a modern performance of a play; readers, close your eyes and allow me to take you several centuries back to the time when Queen Elizabeth ruled England. Stroll through the twisting narrow cobble-stoned streets of Elizabethan London; can you hear the rowdy callings of greeting from one person to another? Do you see the grand Whitehall Palace rising up majestically in the distance? That is where the Queen herself lives. Please, continue walking, and there, the Globe Theatre – the newest theatre around. This circular open-skied building we see before us is actually one of the theatres where Shakespeare and his theatre company – “Lord Chamberlain’s Men” – performed in. As we all know, William Shakespeare is widely-known for his plays and poems. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest, and the list go on. Since the theatres were the main source of entertainment for the people, some plays tend to reflect the society rather than influence, as “Henry V”, a historic play by Shakespeare – was likely to be popular because of the war that is looming in Ireland. And it was. Plays and poetry were also just a way for people to ignite their creativity and let loose their imagination – as in Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream”, where fairies flutter and manipulate human minds. However, mostly the entertainment media do reflect the society more than influence it. And just for the note, there are no red velvet curtains in the Globe Theatre.
Now, let me pull you back to twenty first century to this scene. A child tiptoed into the room, dragging a stool behind him. Cautiously, he set the stool before the desk. Hopping onto the stool, he barely reached the mouse. He glimpsed behind himself swiftly, his chubby fingers clicked the mouse, opening a whole new world. And that whole new world, ladies and gentlemen, is what we know as the Internet. Internet just happens to be one of the many ways we interact with the present entertainment media, including music, videos, television, books, and movies. Nowadays, are the media only a mere reflection of what is happening in the world today, or is it something more? Is it actually changing the way we think? I believe that the media in our time are much more influential than it might have been in Shakespearean England. Do you not agree that while present day actors and actresses are considered celebrities, the actors in Renaissance England were considered much less? And today, it is the celebrities that set the trends; it is the celebrities that have the ability to change how people may think through movies, television shows, speeches, and videos. The ways of communication are also much broader, the Internet, television, magazines, books, and many more, these are all easy modes to reach millions and billions of people across the globe. That is why I believe that current day entertainment media are much more influential than the Elizabethan Theatres.
Dear readers, though the Elizabethan Theatres still stand in modern London, the world around it has transformed. So have the people and the culture. Our global culture influenced greatly by the growing technology, which in turn impacts the way we communicate and the power of entertainment media; which is why I firmly believe that the entertainment media today are much more influential in the world than ever before.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Response to Question #2
2. Do you think the theatre of the Elizabethan Age or the Entertainment media of today has any link or influence upon the social values or political ideals of the people or is it only a reflection (artistic expression) of the social values and political issues of the day? In other words - do you think entertainment (theatre or other media today) reflects (is a record) what is going on in society or influences (has an effect) on society. Support your argument with logical reasoning and at least 1 example from your knowledge of the Elizabethan Era through our novel and 1 example from present day.
Now, let me pull you back to twenty first century - to this scenario. A child tiptoed into the room, dragging a stool behind him. Cautiously, he set the stool before the desk. Hopping onto the stool, he barely reached the mouse. He glimpsed behind himself swiftly, his chubby fingers clicked the mouse, opening a whole new world. And that whole new world, ladies and gentlemen, is what we know as the Internet. Internet just happens to be one of the many ways we interact with the present entertainment media, including music, videos, television, books, and movies. Nowadays, are the media only a mere reflection of what is happening in the world today, or is it something more? Is it actually changing the way we think? I believe that the media in our time are much more influential than it might have been in Shakespearean England. Do you not agree that while present day actors and actresses are considered celebrities, the actors in Renaissance England were considered much less? And today, it is the celebrities that set the trends; it is the celebrities that has the ability to change how people may think through movies, television shows, speeches, and videos. The ways of communication are also much broader, the Internet, television, magazines, books, and many more, these are all easy modes to reach millions and billions of people across the globe. That is why I believe that current day entertainment media are much more influential than the Elizabethan Theatres.
The Elizabethan Theatres spread across London, in and out of the city boundaries; each stand, all unique in their own ways. Do the entertainment media in the Elizabethan Age reflect or influence the social and political issues and values? Does it today?
And the red velvet curtains closed with a note of finality, followed by thunderous applauds. That was the end of a modern performance of a play; readers, close your eyes and allow me to take you several centuries back to the time when Queen Elizabeth ruled England. Stroll through the twisting narrow cobble-stoned streets of Elizabethan London; can you hear the rowdy callings of greeting from one person to another? Do you see the grand Whitehall Palace rising up majestically in the distance? That is where the Queen herself lives. Please, continue walking, and there, the Globe Theatre – the newest theatre around. This circular open-skied building we see before us is actually one of the theatres where Shakespeare and his theatre company – “Lord Chamberlain’s Men” – performed in. As we all know, William Shakespeare is widely-known for his plays and poems. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest, and the list goes on. Since the theatres were the main source of entertainment for the people, some plays tend to reflect the society rather than influence, as “Henry V”, a historic play by Shakespeare – was likely to be popular because of the war that is looming in Ireland. And it was. Plays and poetry were also just a way for people to ignite their creativity and let loose their imagination – as in Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream”, where fairies flutter and manipulate human minds. However, mostly the entertainment media do reflect the society more than influence it. And just for the note, there were no red velvet curtains in the Globe Theatre.

Dear readers, though the Elizabethan Theatres still stand in modern London, the world around it has transformed. So has the people and the culture. Our global culture influenced greatly by the growing technology, which in turn impacts the way we communicate and the power of entertainment media; which is why I firmly believe that the entertainment media today are much more influential in the world than ever before.
Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood. - Walt Disney
Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood. - Walt Disney
Question one answer.
Is it better to run away from your problems, like Peter did in the story, or is it better to face them right away. Both sides could work it depends on the problem you are facing. The possible pros to hiding from your problems are it gives you time to ponder on the problem at hand. The cons are you might make the situation worse by hiding like the person you made mad might make the punishment worse. On the other hand, the pros facing them right away, are you could get a faster solution. The cons are you might react with emotions not logic witch could be a bad thing.
The authors idea of having Peter run away at the beginning although different it was good. It made it so Peter could join the theatre and save the queen. In the end it made him a hero.
In my opinion I think it is better to avoid problems by keeping out of them or not to think of them. If people did that less people would have less problems will occur, That is just my opinion. I agree with Peters idea of running away because if he did not the queen might of died and he would not of been a hero.
Response November1,2011
#3. The character of Peter is a 15 year old ordinary lower class boy who becomes a heroic figure by the end of the novel. People can be heroes in many ways. Commonly, people choose to lead noble, honourable or risky lives and they become heroes as a result of their choices or training, like peace keepers or firemen. Others are "accidental heroes" where circumstances arise and it is their unexpected responses that make them heroic. What kind of hero is Peter? Or is he one at all? Provide examples from the text and compare Peter to someone from the past or present that you would call a hero.
In my opinion I think peter is a hero but an "accidental hero" because he helps or saves people when they are in need. Some examples of peters "accidental hero" acts are when Mr.Desmond was drowning in the lake Peter saved him.Though Mr.Desmond got a broken leg from that incident thanks to peter was was still alive.
Another time Peter was an "accidental hero" is when Peters copy of Shakespeare's new play "Henry V" was stolen Kit and Peter worry that whoever took it plans to profit from the unpublished play. so in order to save shakespear's play and to makes sure Shakespeare receives the credit he deserves they steal it back. While stealing back the script, Peter overhears a plot by Sir Philip and his associates to assassinate Queen Elizabeth.
In the story "Cue For Treason" I said Peter was an "accidental hero" , but later on in the story Peter becomes a hero on purpose to save Queen Elizabeth from being assassinated by sir Phillip and his men. Accidental hero or a hero on purpose which one is peter or is he even a hero at all? Well in my opinion peter is both a hero on purpose and an accidental hero because he is courageous when people need help in an emergency and he acts when he knows he is probably the only one who can help or is brave and smart enough to go against the dangers of helping whoever he's helping.
#3. The character of Peter is a 15 year old ordinary lower class boy who becomes a heroic figure by the end of the novel. People can be heroes in many ways. Commonly, people choose to lead noble, honourable or risky lives and they become heroes as a result of their choices or training, like peace keepers or firemen. Others are "accidental heroes" where circumstances arise and it is their unexpected responses that make them heroic. What kind of hero is Peter? Or is he one at all? Provide examples from the text and compare Peter to someone from the past or present that you would call a hero.
In my opinion I think peter is a hero but an "accidental hero" because he helps or saves people when they are in need. Some examples of peters "accidental hero" acts are when Mr.Desmond was drowning in the lake Peter saved him.Though Mr.Desmond got a broken leg from that incident thanks to peter was was still alive.
Another time Peter was an "accidental hero" is when Peters copy of Shakespeare's new play "Henry V" was stolen Kit and Peter worry that whoever took it plans to profit from the unpublished play. so in order to save shakespear's play and to makes sure Shakespeare receives the credit he deserves they steal it back. While stealing back the script, Peter overhears a plot by Sir Philip and his associates to assassinate Queen Elizabeth.
In the story "Cue For Treason" I said Peter was an "accidental hero" , but later on in the story Peter becomes a hero on purpose to save Queen Elizabeth from being assassinated by sir Phillip and his men. Accidental hero or a hero on purpose which one is peter or is he even a hero at all? Well in my opinion peter is both a hero on purpose and an accidental hero because he is courageous when people need help in an emergency and he acts when he knows he is probably the only one who can help or is brave and smart enough to go against the dangers of helping whoever he's helping.
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